Spirituality Tag

Last weekend I taught a workshop with the Ruiz family in Austin. Don Miguel, don Miguel Jr, don Jose Luis and I had so much fun teaching together that the next day I asked don Miguel, “Would you want to do more teaching with the four of us next year?”

His reply was simple, as it always...

The sixth spiritual law of success, the Law of Detachment, says that the way to acquire anything in the universe is to relinquish our attachment to it. This doesn’t mean we give up the intention to create our desire; we don’t give up the intention, and we don’t give up the desire. We give u...

Last month my neighbor, Stephen, called me and asked, “Have you talked to the landlord yet?”

Stephen and I live in a mirror-image duplex near downtown Austin; I have the left side, he has the right, and we share one long wall between us and a fabulous landlord.

Our landlord appa...

In the Toltec teachings there are three masteries: awareness, transformation, and intent, which don Miguel Ruiz also calls the mastery of love. We don't “graduate” from one mastery and then leave it behind as we move to the next. I visualize the masteries more like a pyramid. We want to have ...

Most people never stop to question what they have been taught about life.  It may not occur to us that our thoughts and beliefs about life are just that: beliefs about life and not necessarily the truth.  We may never examine or challenge these beliefs b...

 To work with love. . . is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.

— Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

The seventh spiritual law of success, the Law of Dharma or Purpos...

Last blog I wrote about yes; this blog we will explore getting to love NO, both giving and receiving.

Author Byron Katie shares a brilliant observation about "no:" When you say no to someone else you are saying yes to yourself.

Yes and no go hand in hand. For each yes, there is a no...

Like so many people I know, I have spent my life searching for “the truth.” I wanted to find the answers to life’s most important questions: Who are we? Who or what is God? What is life all about? How can I find and experience true love? Can I really attain total fulfillment and happiness i...

I'm on a greyhound bus, watching sunrise talcum powder the sky soft rose and gold and turquoise. As the golden hills and massive oak trees of California start to merge into the tall soldier pine forests of Oregon, I have a song jangling around in my sleepy head like loose keys in a big purse.

Amber-Allen Publishing
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