Relationships Tag

Another way to change old, limiting beliefs is to stop reinforcing them by talking about them. Carefully select what you talk about and the words you use. When you don’t talk about your problems, you change the focus of your thoughts, which will ultimately affect your experience.

If you ...

Yesterday I was sitting in a coffee shop near my sister's house in Atlanta, enjoying a cup of green tea as I caught up on emails.

Suddenly I became aware of the intensity of a conversation happening nearby. I couldn't see who was talking, but if I leaned back and I could have easily touche...

Someone sent me a message asking about life after death and reincarnation. He was concerned that he would forget his loved ones if he reincarnated, so he just wanted to stay in heaven and be with them. This was my answer:

Imagine that you're in a play - and all the people in the play are p...

Amber-Allen Publishing
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