Personal Growth Tag

Someone sent me a message asking about life after death and reincarnation. He was concerned that he would forget his loved ones if he reincarnated, so he just wanted to stay in heaven and be with them. This was my answer:

Imagine that you're in a play - and all the people in the play are p...

An integral being knows without going, sees without looking,

and accomplishes without doing.

— Lao Tzu

The fourth spiritual law of success, the Law of Least Effort, is b...

I love it when I am wrong.

I used to do everything I could to be right, and avoid being wrong.

Now I will clap my hands when I discover a misperception and tell people: “I'm wrong. I love it when I am wrong!”

And I truly mean it.

Here's how you, too, can be excited...

Do you habitually live at 120 percent, or at 60 percent?

Doing our best means living in the present moment, taking into account our current emotional, energetic, and physical state. Doing our best doesn't mean being perfect all the time. The fourth agreement encourages us to be flexible an...

Through my experiences as a psychic or “sensitive” for the past few decades, here is some of the information I’ve learned by connecting with and listening to people’s souls or higher selves.

You chose this incarnation — this “physical” experience on the planet – and I now t...

Impeccability and intimacy go together like organic peanut butter and fresh strawberry jelly.

And together they make our relationships more tasty and nutritious.

There are two main kinds of communication, and impeccability comes from knowing which type of communication is needed for...

Amber-Allen Publishing
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