Pamala Oslie Tag

When you have a belief, you will find evidence to support that belief.  One of the ways to change a belief is to choose a new belief, find evidence to support the new belief, then begin to act as if this belief is true for you.

Here are some examples:  If you have a judgement that you ar...

Most people would find it easy to write a letter but difficult or impossible to build a house or create a large sum of money.  Others find that making money is no problem for them, but finding a partner is a constant dilemma.  There are people who have n...

When something in our life makes us unhappy, we often attempt to change the outer circumstances:  quit the job, get a divorce, move to another city, go on a diet.  We have been taught to fix things outside of us, when we really need to change our inner b...

Like so many people I know, I have spent my life searching for “the truth.” I wanted to find the answers to life’s most important questions: Who are we? Who or what is God? What is life all about? How can I find and experience true love? Can I really attain total fulfillment and happiness i...

Someone sent me a message asking about life after death and reincarnation. He was concerned that he would forget his loved ones if he reincarnated, so he just wanted to stay in heaven and be with them. This was my answer:

Imagine that you're in a play - and all the people in the play are p...

Through my experiences as a psychic or “sensitive” for the past few decades, here is some of the information I’ve learned by connecting with and listening to people’s souls or higher selves.

You chose this incarnation — this “physical” experience on the planet – and I now t...

The ego was created to perceive and interact with the “physical” world – just like the eye was created to help us perceive and navigate the physical world. Neither the eye nor the ego is bad. They just have limited perception. If we relied on our eye to give us a complete version of reality...

Science and religion have been at odds for centuries – neither believing that the other has the truth about reality. Today, a new spirituality (or rather a revival of ancient beliefs) and a new physics are emerging - and together they appear to be revealing a new version of “reality.” Quant...

If you wish for anything more in life – more abundance, love, freedom, good health, financial security, joy, creativity, etc – and you find yourself continuously striving for it, it could be a result of how you see yourself.

Ordinarily we don’t want to grade or compare ourselves with...

Most of us sense there is a change going on – something feels different about our lives and the world. It can look and feel like life is falling apart which is creating fear and panic in many people. Our old sense of security and stability is disintegrating; our familiar systems are collapsing ...

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