Pamala Oslie Tag

The ego was created to perceive and interact with the “physical” world – just like the eye was created to help us perceive and navigate the physical world. Neither the eye nor the ego is bad. They just have limited perception. If we relied on our eye to give us a complete version of reality...

Do you want to create something else? For instance, do you want to travel? Do you want a new job, a healthier body, or a loving relationship? This process applies to anything and everything. There are no limits to what you can create. There are no degrees of ease or difficulty to what you can cre...

Often we block prosperity from our lives because we believe in scarcity. We’re taught there are a limited number of pieces to the pie and if we get more, others will have less. But everything is energy and the universe is infinitely abundant with energy, so there are no real limits to what can ...

Many believe that consciousness is shifting. If that’s true, will humans basically be the same, just nicer and more accepting? Or will bigger changes occur? What will we be able to do?

As babies, when we had developed enough to become mobile, we began crawling. Soon after, something insi...

It appears that quantum physics is confirming what spiritual teachers have been trying to teach us for centuries. It looks like “reality” is not what we think it is. It feels exciting to me. Our understanding of life, who we are, and what we can do is evolving. We’re “growing up.”

Another way to change old, limiting beliefs is to stop reinforcing them by talking about them. Carefully select what you talk about and the words you use. When you don’t talk about your problems, you change the focus of your thoughts, which will ultimately affect your experience.

If you ...

Your imagination is a powerful tool for creating the mental pictures that will strengthen your new beliefs.  By imagining your new pictures, you send directions to your inner self, which knows how to create and bring these pictures into physical form.

Often we fear that the new belief is ...

Science has discovered that at the quantum level (the smallest level) everything is made of energy, that our thoughts affect matter and consciousness creates our reality. If at the core of our “physical” world, everything is made of this energy, then there is nothing fundamentally solid about...

Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents as natural and inherent in each of us. I, and many others, have these abilities, which means all humans have them. You too can activate any of these capabilities at any time. Som...

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