
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?  Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all ...

Another way to change old, limiting beliefs is to stop reinforcing them by talking about them. Carefully select what you talk about and the words you use. When you don’t talk about your problems, you change the focus of your thoughts, which will ultimately affect your experience.

If you ...

"Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love." don Miguel Ruiz

While the first agreement, be impeccable with your word, is only five words, they are five words that could be researched and practiced for a long, long time. As I...

I am blessed with a fabulous mother, so every Mother's Day I get to give her a call and thank her for being such an inspiration and support in my life. Since we live in different states, I usually send a card, sometimes a gift, talk with her on the phone, and go about my day.

But this Moth...

Your imagination is a powerful tool for creating the mental pictures that will strengthen your new beliefs.  By imagining your new pictures, you send directions to your inner self, which knows how to create and bring these pictures into physical form.

Often we fear that the new belief is ...

Science has discovered that at the quantum level (the smallest level) everything is made of energy, that our thoughts affect matter and consciousness creates our reality. If at the core of our “physical” world, everything is made of this energy, then there is nothing fundamentally solid about...

Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents as natural and inherent in each of us. I, and many others, have these abilities, which means all humans have them. You too can activate any of these capabilities at any time. Som...

When you have a belief, you will find evidence to support that belief.  One of the ways to change a belief is to choose a new belief, find evidence to support the new belief, then begin to act as if this belief is true for you.

Here are some examples:  If you have a judgement that you ar...

One of my worst nightmares almost came true yesterday.

I had just flown from Austin to Seattle and I was walking through baggage claim when I made my awful discovery.

An image of my computer tucked in snuggly with the SkyMall catalog and the airplane emergency procedures brochure se...

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