
The “Unknown” Reality, Volume One

A Seth Book in Two Volumes

Format: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 304 pages
ISBN: 978-1-878424-25-9

In this mind-stretching journey into the frontiers of consciousness, Seth reveals the multidimensional nature of the human soul. In Seth Speaks, Seth introduced the concept of “probable realities,” in which our idle daydreams and unfulfilled impulses do take place, in which all possible choices are fully experienced by other portions of the self.

Now, in this first volume of The “Unknown” Reality, Seth explains the dazzling labyrinths of unseen probabilities involved in any decision, and how our awareness of these can enrich the waking life we know. In a fascinating exploration of the cosmic web of our existence, Seth reveals:

  • The purpose of dreams, and how they are often fulfilled unconsciously
  • Misconceptions about death and the afterlife
  • How different probable realities intersect and influence one another
  • The relationship between physical health and inner reality
  • A series of exercises to help you discover the unknown portions of your greater identity

In Volume One of The “Unknown” Reality, Seth initiates a journey in which it seems that the familiar is left behind. Where do the events of our lives begin or end? Where do we fit into them, individually and as members of the species? These questions, with Seth’s explanations, are the heart of Volume One.

In Volume Two of The “Unknown” Reality, Seth invites us to join in and discover the unknown reality for ourselves through a series of exercises geared to illuminate the inner structures upon which our exterior ones depend. Volume One provides the general background and information upon which the exercises and methods in Volume Two are based.

The self is multidimensional when it is physically alive. It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity, ever choosing from a myriad of probable realities its own clear unassailable focus. When you don’t realize this, then you project upon life after death all of the old misconceptions. . . . The fact is that in life you poise delicately and yet perfectly between realities, and after death you do the same. — Jane Roberts, Speaking for Seth


There is an “unknown” reality. I am part of it, and so are you.

Some time ago I suddenly appeared within your space and time. Since then I have spoken to many people. This is my third book. There would be nothing strange to anyone in any of this if I had been born into your world in a body of my own, in usual terms. Instead I began to express myself by speaking through Jane Roberts. In all of this there has been a purpose, and part of that purpose lies in this present book.

Each individual is a part of the unknown reality. Because of my position, however, I am obviously more a part of it than most. My psychological awareness bridges worlds of which you are consciously aware, and others that seem, at least, to escape your notice. The woman through whom I speak found herself in an unusual situation, for no theories — metaphysical, psychological, or otherwise — could adequately explain her experience. She was led to develop her own, therefore, and this book is an extension of certain ideas already mentioned in Adventures in Consciousness. To write that book, Jane Roberts drew on deep resources of energy.

The unknown reality, however, is unknown enough to usual reaches of the most flexible consciousness, in your terms, that it can only be approached by a personality as couched in it as I am. Once expressed, however, it can be comprehended. One of my purposes then has been to make this unknown reality consciously known.

Man thought once, historically speaking, that there was but one world. Now he knows differently, but he still clings to the idea of one god, one self, and one body through which to express it.

There is one God, but within that God are many. There is one self, but within that self are many. There is one body, in one time, but the self has other bodies in other times. All “times” exist at once. Historically speaking, mankind chose a certain line of development. In it his consciousness specialized, focusing upon sharp particulars of experience. But inherent always, psychologically and biologically, there has been the possibility of a change in that pattern, an alteration that would effectively lift the race into another kind of weather.

Such a development would, however, necessitate first of all a broadening of concepts about the self, and a greater understanding of human potential. Human consciousness is now at a stage where such a development is not only feasible, but necessary if the race is to achieve its greatest fulfillment.

Jane Roberts’s experience to some extent hints at the multidimensional nature of the human psyche and gives clues as to the abilities that lie within each individual. These are part of your racial heritage. They give notice of psychic bridges connecting the known and “unknown” realities in which you dwell.

While you have highly limited concepts about the nature of the self, you cannot begin to conceive of a multidimensional godhood, or a universal reality in which all consciousness is unique, inviolate and yet given to the formation of infinite gestalts of organization and meaning.

In my other books I used many accepted ideas as a springboard to lead readers into other levels of understanding. Here, I wish to make it clear that this book will initiate a journey in which it may seem that the familiar is left far behind. Yet when I am finished, I hope you will discover that the known reality is even more precious, more “real,” because you will find it illuminated both within and without by the rich fabric of an “unknown” reality now seen emerging from the most intimate portions of daily life. Your concepts of personhood are now limiting you personally and en masse, and yet your religions, metaphysics, histories, and even your sciences are hinged upon your ideas of who and what you are. Your psychologies do not explain your own reality to you. They cannot contain your experience. Your religions do not explain your greater reality, and your sciences leave you [just] as ignorant about the nature of the universe in which you dwell.

These institutions and disciplines are composed of individuals, each restrained by limiting ideas about their own private reality; and so it is with private reality that we will begin and always return, period. These ideas in this book are meant to expand the private reality of each reader. They may appear esoteric or complicated, yet they are not beyond the reach of any person who is determined to understand the nature of the unknown elements of the self, and its greater world.


A Verse From Summer Is Winter by Jane Roberts

Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts
Preface by Seth

Section 1: You and the “Unknown” Reality.

Session 679:  Photographs, Time, and Probable Lives
Session 680:  How Probable Selves Work in Daily Life
Session 681:  How Your Probable Selves Intersect. Unpredictability as the Source of All Events
Session 682:  Basic Units of Consciousness (CU’s). Immortality and Probabilities
Session 683:  “You are Multipersons.” Reincarnation, Probabilities, and Other Versions of Consciousness
Session 684:  CU’s, EE Units, and the Body. “The Cells Precognate.” Heredity and Precognition
Session 685:  The Body as Your “Home Station.” More on Basic Units of Consciousness
Session 686:  Man’s Early Consciousness and the Birth of Memory. Selectivity, Specialization, and “Official” Reality
Session 687:  Practice Element 1: An Exercise for the Reader. Expansion of Consciousness as Necessary to Man’s Biological and Spiritual Survival

Section 2: Parallel Man, Alternate Man, and Probable Man: The Reflection of These in the Present, Private Psyche. Your Multidimensional Reality in the Now of Your Being. 

Session 688:  Man’s Early Development. Mermaids, Dolphins, Animal-Man, Man Animal, and Other Forms
Session 689:  Mythology, Gods, Animal Gods, and the Growth of the Ego
Session 690:  Sex, the Gods, and the Ego. Christ, God the Father, and the History of Christianity
Session 691:  The “Spirits” of All Natural Things, Species of Consciousness, and the Earth Gods
Session 692:  Simultaneous Dreams. Unused Areas of the Brain
Session 693:  “Coincidences,” Moving, and Probable Realities: A Tale of Probable Real Estate Events
Session 694:  Life After Death and Probabilities
Session 695:  Practice Elements 2–5. A Session of Exercises for the Reader

Section 3: The Private Probable Man, the Private Probable Woman, the Species in Probabilities, and Blueprints for Realities.

Session 696:  Private Blueprints for Reality. God-stuff and Earth Experience
Session 697:  Idealizations, Free Will, and Human Development. How You Choose Events, Health, and Illness. Practice Element 7
Session 698:  The Dream World, Dream Artists, and the Purpose of Dreaming
Session 699:  The “Living Photography of Dreams”
Session 700:  The True Dream-Art Scientist
Session 701:  The True Mental Physicist. Animals and Science. Practice Element 8
Session 702:  Objective Science and a Loving Technology. Consciousness, Subatomic Particles, and the Spin of Electrons
Session 703:  The Complete Physician. Health, Illness Healing, and Death
Session 704:  More on the True Dream-Art Scientist, the True Mental Physicist, and the Complete Physician


Seth SpeaksThe Nature of Personal RealityThe Magical ApproachThe Way Toward HealthThe Oversoul Seven TrilogyThe Nature of the PsycheThe Individual and The Nature of Mass EventsThe “Unknown” Reality, Volume TwoDreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume OneDreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume Two


Seth Speaks (eBook)The Nature of Personal Reality (eBook)The Magical Approach (eBook)The Way Toward Health (eBook)The Oversoul Seven Trilogy (eBook)The Magical Approach (eBook)The Nature of the Psyche (eBook)The “Unknown” Reality, Volume One (eBook)The “Unknown” Reality, Volume Two (eBook)Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume One (eBook)Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume Two (eBook)
Amber-Allen Publishing
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